Questions and Answers


best agency management system

Frequently Asked Questions About Jenesis: The Best Agency Management System

What are the Changes to the All Companies Screen within JenesisNow?

Go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, select Companies, and then All Companies to bring up the Companies screen. Before, the default for the Status column was All, Read More

Whats new in the added ability to Choose an Address when Printing an Invoice or creating a letter template within JenesisNow?

We have added a feature to help when clients have multiple addresses, so you can decide which address you would like to use for invoices and letter templates. Read More

Whats new in Updated Single Run Marketing Campaign within JenesisNow ?

We have added additional filter options when creating single-run marketing campaigns. In JenesisNow, go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, select Agency, select All Locations, and select the desired agency. Read More

What is Goal Tracker within JenesisNow?

To create goals for yourself or others in your agency, go to the left-hand vertical toolbar, click Tools, then click Goals, bringing up the Goals page. Read More

How do updated Invoices allow Editing of Invoice Line Items within JenesisNow?

A new feature allows you to edit an invoice before generating it. Go to a policy on the policy level, scroll down to the Invoices card, and then open the invoices by clicking on the symbol next to the plus sign. Read More

What is Automation to Enhance Your Workflow when Emailing Media Files within Jenesisnow?

We have now added the feature to send multiple media files to your client directly from the media screen. To accomplish this, go to the Client View screen, scroll down to the Media / Files card, and open the media files. Read More

How to export Suspense List to a CSV file within JenesisNow?

This video will show how to export your suspense list as a CSV file. To do this, go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, select Suspense, and then Suspense List, bringing up the Suspense screen. Read More

How to use the Dashboard Card to show Online Users within JenesisNow?

As an agency owner or admin, have you ever wanted to see who in your agency is online? In JenesisNow, you can create a card to display who is online in your agency. Read More

How do I use Rating Process within JenesisNow?

First, make sure you have a profile in Jenesis for your quote. If you don’t have a profile set up, go to the top blue ribbon menu, click the Client Quick Add button, Read More

How do I use Policy Tags in JenesisNow?

In this video, we will demonstrate the function of policy tags, which will help differentiate between multiple policies a client might have in the system. Read More

How do I use the time clock feature within JenesisNow?

First, turn on the timeclock to make it active, and this is done by going to the left-sided vertical toolbar, clicking on Agency, then All Locations taking you to the Agency Locations page, Read More

How do I Manually Renew Policies within JenesisNow?

Go to the policy page, then go to the Policy Info card; inside this card, click on the Renew Policy button, which will bring up a Renew Policy pop-up window. Read More

How to Search for Clients within JenesisNow?

This video will demonstrate how to search for your clients inside JenesisNow. There are a few ways to find your client. Read More

What is Linking Companies within JenesisNow?

This video will show how to add a website link to a company profile within JenesisNow. Go to the left-vertical toolbar, click on Companies, Read More

What is Imperial Finance PFS Integration within JenesisNow ?

This video will show how to integrate Imperial Premium Finance with JenesisNow. The Imperial Premium Finance website is at, where an account must be set up. Read More

What are the Improvements for the Coverages on Split Screens within JenesisNow?

This video will show some changes we made to the coverage screens when using split screens on wide-screen monitors. Previously, when you would go into the coverage screen, Read More

How to Add Underlying Policies for Umbrella Policies within JenesisNow?

If you write Umbrella policies for commercial or personal policies, you will be happy with the update we have made, which will allow you to add underlying policies with your umbrella policies. Read More

How to Generate FS-1 Forms for NC Business Auto Policy within JenesisNow?

We have made an update for our North Carolina agents; you now will have the ability to generate FS-1 forms on the Business Auto BAP Policy page. Read More

How to Auto Save Sort by Selection on the Policy List within JenesisNow?

We have updated the client view screen, allowing you to see the client's policies on file with your agency. In the Policies card, you may sort by Policy Type, Read More

How do I Add Tags to People within JenesisNow?

We have added a feature allowing you to add tags to people. To accomplish this, on the client view screen, click on the client you would like to add a tag, Read More

How do users add a Picture to their User Profile within JenesisNow?

We have created a feature to allow you to add a picture of yourself to your user profile. To accomplish this, go to your user profile page, Read More

How to Edit the Date on Receipts (Admin) within JenesisNow?

We have now added the ability to edit a date on a receipt for anyone with admin or payment rights. To accomplish this, in the client view screen, go to the receipts card Read More

How to Edit Users on Receipts (Admin) within JenesisNow?

We have now added the ability to add a particular user to a receipt for anyone with admin rights. To accomplish this, in the client view screen, go to the receipts card Read More

How to Merge Duplicate Lienholders within JenesisNow?

We have now created a feature to merge lienholders, so if you made a mistake and created two, it will merge them into one lienholder rather than having them in twice. Read More

How to Search for Drivers under Advanced Search within JenesisNow?

In the advanced search option, you can now search for drivers by name. This is done by clicking on the white magnifying glass in the upper-right corner of the page. Read More

How to Add Ability to view Client’s information within the policy within JenesisNow?

We have made an update to make it easier to pull up your clients' information within the policy. On the Client View page, it is easy to view the client’s information, Read More

How to change font and text color on Marketing Campaigns?

On the Edit Agency Location page, in the Location Marketing card, go to the campaign you would like to customize by clicking the blue Edit button in the Email, Read More

How to Add a Text Message Specific Card within JenesisNow?

We have made updates to see how you see text messages from your clients in JenesisNow. Now, we have a dedicated section on the Client View page for text messages. Read More

How to Use JenesisNow for Your Life & Health Clients?

On the JenesisNow dashboard, you will find many things to help your day. There is integration with FormStack, WeSignature, and DocuSign for your electronic signature needs, Read More

How to Integrate with Lightspeed VoIP within JenesisNow?

In the Lightspeed Application, go to the left-sided vertical menu, click Management, Leed settings, and Integration. If this is the first time using Lightspeed, Read More

How to Setup your Location within JenesisNow?

First, go to the vertical left-side menu, hover over Agency, and click All Locations bringing up the Agency Locations page. When starting, Read More

What is the Client and Policy Detail Report within JenesisNow?

First, go to the left-vertical menu, hover over reports, and click reports to bring up the Report page. On the Reports page, go to the Base Reports section Read More

How to Setup the J-Rater for a carrier (NC only)?

First, go to your profile by going to the top blue menu ribbon, selecting your profile, and then clicking the blue Profile button bringing up the User’s page. Read More

How to use J-Rater (NC only) within JenesisNow?

Go to the client you would like to rate. In the client view screen, locate the orange fields; if these are not present, your rating may not be on; Read More

What are Prebuilt Reports within JenesisNow?

Go to the left-sided vertical menu, hover over the reports icon, and click on reports to bring up the Reports page. On the reports page, in the first column, Read More

How do I make a Personal Auto Policy a Non-owner Policy within JenesisNow?

We have added the ability to add a named non-owner policy or to turn a personal auto policy into a non-owner policy. Read More

How do I Text Users (Agents) from within JenesisNow?

To send a text to another user, click on the paper airplane icon in the blue ribbon menu at the top, bringing up a pop-up window. Read More

How to Add a Broker filter to the Commission and Policy Detail Reports within JenesisNow?

When pulling up a policy detail report in your report section in JenesisNow, you can filter by Broker. To do this, click on the plus sign next to Broker in the report columns section, Read More

How to Hide the side cards for Actions, Receipts, and Invoices on the Client and Policy screens within JenesisNow?

Our recent update allows you to customize your client and policy screens by hiding the actions, receipts, and invoice cards. Read More

How do I Add a Broker and Premium Finance Company within JenesisNow?

This process is similar to adding a company; go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, hover over Companies, and then select All Companies. Read More

What are the Enhancements to the Letter Templates within JenesisNow?

We recently added the ability to print templates created in the user profile under the preferences section, and now we have enhanced that capability within JenesisNow. Read More

Explain the Option for the Preferred Business Name to show on Dashboard Cards within JenesisNow?

We have a new feature that pertains to your clients who also have a business. In the Last Viewed Clients, if your client has a business associated with them, Read More

What is the Automatic Suspense Option for a New Business within JenesisNow?

We have added a feature that will prompt you to create a suspense when the policy status is marked active. For this to work, you will need to make sure it is turned on for it to work. Read More

Explain the updates to Commission Manager and users to now include bonus values

We have enhanced the commission tracking capabilities inside of JenesisNow. This will help track your agents' EFTs and multiple policies if you would like to give bonuses or awards to your agents. Read More

What are Commercial and Excess Flood Policy Types within JenesisNow?

We have made some adjustments and enhancements to flood policies, specifically commercial and excess flood policies. In Commercial Flood Policy, click the plus sign in the flood listing section to expand it. Read More

How do I use the “All” option for sending J-mail within JenesisNow?

We have made an enhancement to J-mail to allow you to send a message to all users in your agency. To send a message to all users in your agency in J-mail, Read More

How do I add a Preferred Name Field to a Client within JenesisNow?

We have added an enhancement to the client page to allow you to add a client's preferred name to the client view. Read More

How do I Renew Policies with Increments within JenesisNow?

We have made an update to renew a policy manually with an Increment within JenesisNow. On the Personal Auto Policy screen, go to Policy Info. Read More

How do I Merge Duplicate Policies within JenesisNow?

Sometimes when downloading policies, duplicates will appear, but now there is an easy way to merge these two files in JenesisNow. Go to the Policies section to merge these two policies, Read More

How is adding Multiple Violations to a Driver Made Easier and More Efficient within JenesisNow?

In the personal auto policy screen, go to the Drivers section, and click on the driver for whom you are adding the violations to bring up the driver window screen. Read More

How do I Add Media to a Note within JenesisNow?

and click the plus sign to make a new note. In the pop-up window, type your desired note; then, to add media, there is a light blue button that states Add Media, click this button, Read More

How do I add a Windstorm Policy Type for Commercial Lines within JenesisNow?

On the client view screen, go to the policies card, click the plus sign on this card to add a new policy, and then choose windstorm policy commercial. Read More

How do I add Windstorm Policy Type for Personal Lines within JenesisNow?

policy, and then choose windstorm policy personal. In the personal windstorm policy, the top section, the client section, is similar to all other policies; therefore, fill in this information as normal. Read More

How do I add Certificate Holders from the Left-Side Vertical menu within JenesisNow?

This new update lets us conveniently add our certificate holders from the left-sided vertical menu. To do this, go to the left-sided vertical menu, hover over the Companies icon, Read More

What is a Commercial Earthquake Policy within JenesisNow?

We have added a new policy type to JenesisNow, the Commercial Earthquake policy. To add this policy, go to the Policies Card in the client view screen and click the plus sign. Read More

What are the updates to the Download Report within JenesisNow?

We have now made an update to where you can specifically make a report for your downloads. First, you need to access your reports; Read More

What is the New Policy Status Prompt on Receipts within JenesisNow?

We have added a new feature for system prompts anytime a client tries to make a payment on a canceled or pending canceled policy. Click on the policy which has been canceled. Read More

What is the new Default for Deleted Vehicles within JenesisNow?

We updated the Personal Auto Policy Screen, specifically the Vehicles section. To remove a vehicle a client no longer owns, go to the Vehicles section in the Personal Auto Policy screen and click on the vehicle. Read More

What is the Client View Policy List Enhancement within JenesisNow ?

We have updated the client view screen, specifically in the policy section. This update makes it easier to see what is happening with your customer's policy at a glance. One of the updates is to a canceled policy. Read More

What is the Garage and Dealers Policy within JenesisNow?

JenesisNow is now offering a new policy type, Garage and Dealers policy. To add a new policy, click the plus sign on the policy section, which opens a pop-up window where you will select the policy to be managed. Read More

How do I view the New Policy Status Prompt on Receipts within JenesisNow?

We have added a new feature for system prompts anytime a client tries to make a payment on a canceled or pending canceled policy. Click on the policy which has been canceled. Read More

What is the Default for Deleted Vehicles within JenesisNow?

We updated the Personal Auto Policy Screen, specifically the Vehicles section. To remove a vehicle a client no longer owns, go to the Vehicles section in the Personal Auto Policy screen and click on the vehicle. Read More

How do i Update for Acord 127 form within JenesisNow?

We have enhanced the Acord 127 form. Before in the Acord 127, Business Auto Section, if you needed to add additional drivers beyond the allowable number, Read More

What is updated with the Acord 823 form within JenesisNow?

We have enhanced the Acord 823 form. Before, on the Acord 823, Commercial Insurance Application, one problem with this particular form was it only could add four different locations. Read More

What is the update for Deceased Status for People in a Relationship within JenesisNow?

We have enhanced the client profile for deceased status for people in a relationship. Before, the only option was to go to the Info section Read More

How to Setup Two-Way Text Integration within JenesisNow?

To set up two-way text integration, start inside a client profile with a mobile number associated with the account. Next, locate the green text/email button at the top of the Info card Read More

How do I Integrate QuickBooks within JenesisNow?

First, make sure your bank account is set up. To do this, go to the left side menu, hover over the dollar sign (accounting), and then click Bank Account Read More

What are the Updated Features with Business Auto Policy (BAP) within JenesisNow?

We have now expanded the options in the vehicles section. In the vehicle section, we have added Territory, Gross Vehicle Weight/Combination Weight, Read More

How do I Attach Media Files to Notes within JenesisNow?

New improved notes in JenesisNow, will allow you to add a media file to the note. In the note section on the main page Read More

How do I use WeSignature Payments within JenesisNow?

WeSignature Payments is a platform that JenesisNow integrates with, so if you would like to have credit card processing done through WeSignature Payments. Read More

How do I integrate WeSignature within JenesisNow?

After setting up your account with WeSignature, go to the Jenesis main page, go to the left sidebar menu, hover over the Agency tab, and click on All Locations. Read More

How to do I use Letter Templates within JenesisNow?

We have added the ability to create a letter template within JenesisNow. To create a letter template, go to the blue ribbon menu at the top, click on your user profile, and then click the Profile button. Read More

How to do I use Pre-Built Reports within JenesisNow?

We have added Pre-Built Reports for each user by default within JenesisNow. To see this go to Reports and then scroll down the bottom of the page to see the section Default Pre-Built Reports. Read More

What are the Features of JenesisNow?

In the dashboard of JenesisNow, in the blue ribbon menu, you may find integration with Formstack or DocuSign. Read More

How do I setup RingCentral (Web Phone App) within JenesisNow

In this video, we will show how to set up an integration between RingCentral in the browser version of the phone for RingCentral. Read More

How do I Create a Custom Policy Type within JenesisNow?

Go to the left-side vertical toolbar, locate the Agency icon, and click My Agency. In this new window, Agency Edit Page, there is now a card box for creating a custom policy. Read More

How do I update the Marketing Campaign within JenesisNow?

From the left-side vertical toolbar, locate the Agency icon, then click All Locations. In this new window, Agency Location Page, note different marketing options in the center of the screen. Read More

How do I Integrate DocuSign within JenesisNow ?

Before you can integrate DocuSign with JenesisNow, ensure you have signed up with DocuSign. Read More

What is a Inland Marine Policy within JenesisNow?

Introducing our new inland marine policy screen. Enjoy this overview of what is on the inland marine policy screen. Read More

How do I set up a Single Run Marketing Campaign with JenesisNow?

This video will show you how to send a one-time mass message like a notification of policy change, if your offices will be closed, or anything you would like all your clients to know in a single message. Read More

JenesisNow Dashboard Configuration FAQ

Notice the blue and white boxes that make up your dashboard page. There is a large empty box at the bottom of the screen (you may have to scroll down), containing a large plus sign. Read More

Have you been wondering how to integrate and use Formstack (formerly InsureSign) in JenesisNow?

Once a Formstack account is established, from the JenesisNow dashboard, select Agency and All Locations. Select the location with which you want to use Formstack. Read More

How do I Send an Email Blast in JenesisNow?

Did you know you can send marketing campaigns via email using JenesisNow? It's called a Single Run Marketing Campaign. Read More

How do I Manage Client’s with Multiple Businesses in JenesisNow?

How to add a customer in your system that owns multiple businesses in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I use the Email Integration feature in JenesisNow?

This video tutorial will give you a quick overview of the Email Integration feature in JenesisNow. Read More

How Built-in or integrated VoIP phone system works in JenesisNow?

When you have the RingCentral windows phone installed on your computer, you can efficiently receive and make calls from your computer. Read More

How to store multiple rates using quote control in JenesisClassic?

The feature allows you to store more than one rate at the same time. By hitting Shift on your keyboard, you can select multiple lines at once. Read More

How do I set up companies in JenesisNow?

You can start by clicking on the 3 lines on the top left. Select Companies and then select + New Company and a company profile will show. Read More

How do I add a new user and manage existing user accounts in JenesisNow?

First, on the left sidebar, hover over Users and select New User. Adding a new user will prompt a window to input all the information. Read More

How do I add producers from the policy screen in JenesisNow?

On your dashboard, select a customer under Last Viewed Clients. Next, scroll down to Policies and select a policy. Read More

How do I set up and use the accounting feature in JenesisNow?

To add a bank account - select the 3 lines up in the top left of the screen, which will open a menu. In the menu, go to Accounting, and then select Bank Accountants Read More

How do I create a builders risk policy in JenesisNow?

From the Clients Portal, scroll down to Policies. Select the Plus Sign to add a policy. Read More

How do I use the new accounting feature in JenesisNow?

Begin by hovering over Accounting on the left sidebar and selecting Bank Accounts. Next, select an account shown on the dashboard, Read More

How do I set-up rating with discovery in JenesisNow?

Begin by going into a Client Profile. In Client View, under Info card, find the drop-down for Location Read More

How do I set-up discovery rating credentials in JeneisNow?

Begin by selecting the Username at the top, then select Profile. Once in the Profile, Read More

How do I add a signature for each user in JeneisNow?

Start by going to the left sidebar, hovering over Users (USRS), clicking on All Users, and then clicking on your email address. Read More

How do I setup and use the consent fee form in JeneisNow?

Start by going to the left sidebar, hovering over Agency (AGY), and selecting All Locations. Read More

How do I add and manage user accounts in JeneisNow?

How to add a new user and manage existing user accounts in JeneisNow. Read More

How do I find policies using quick access in JenesisNow?

You might not have known this, but when you add policies to your systems for your clients, Jenesis saves those policy types so you can get to them quickly. Read More

How do I add a Sales Pipeline in JenesisNow?

First, you’ll want to set up a series of Dashboard cards. To add a dashboard card, click the plus sign. Different options will open in a pop-up window, but we will select Client. Read More

How do I turn off automatic email marketing in JeneisNow?

Opt-out all customers from Marketing Campaigns. Read More

How do I use a spell checker when writing an email in JenesisClassic?

Your email now has a spell checker. A red line will appear under the word if you misspell a word while writing an email. Read More

How do I set up accounting in my JeneisNow system?

Begin by selecting Bank Accounts from the Accounting (ACCT) menu. Select the Add Account option, and this will bring up a window titled Account Information. Read More

How do I set default coverage options for policies in JeneisNow?

Start by going to the sidebar on the left, hovering over Agency (AGY), and clicking on My Agency. Read More

How do I filter through suspenses in JeneisNow?

You can see all suspenses in your agency by going to the left sidebar, hovering over Suspense, and selecting Suspense List. Read More

How do I navigate my management system in JeneisNow ?

At the top, find Time Clock, Client Quick Add, Quick Texting feature that lets you text your customer Read More

How do I add an image to your email signature in JeneisNow?

To add an image, click on the image icon. Then there will be a window for you to upload from your computer. Read More

How do I add a receipt to a customer’s file in your JeneisNow?

You can do this from either Receipts or Policies. For this example, we’re using Policies. Read More

How do I reorder coverages on a policy in JenesisNow?

Scroll down to Policies from Client View and choose a policy. Read More

How do I assign a receipt to a specific location JeneisNow?

At the top, in the search bar, you will need to look up a customer's profile by typing in their name. Read More

How do I add default coverages to different States in JenesisNow?

Start by going to the sidebar on the left, hovering over Agency (AGY), and clicking on My Agency. Read More

How do I customize date ranges in JenesisNow reports?

Start by going to the sidebar on the left, hovering over Reports (RPTS), and select Reports. Read More

How do I Make a Payment or File a Claim via the client portal in JenesisNow?

Start by going to the left sidebar, hovering over Companies, and selecting All Companies. Read More

How do I set up my client portal in JenesisNow?

Following the setup of your client portal, you’ll start by going to the left sidebar, hovering over Agency (AGY), and selecting All Locations. Now choose your location. Read More

How do I Export a Quote to ITC TurboRater in JenesisNow?

Begin by looking up a customer in the search bar at the top. In Client View, scroll down to Policies. Read More

How do I process my downloads in JeneisNow?

The first step is to add a dashboard card, which is optional. After clicking the plus sign (+), a window will appear with the title Select A Dashboard Box to Add. Read More

How do I search for Cancelled and Pending Cancelled policies in JenesisNow?

Cancelled Policies have been added to the dashboard under Edit Agency Location. Read More

How do I Delete or Restore Images in JenesisClassic?

To begin, pick a client’s name to access that person’s profile. In the client profile, at the bottom of the page, look for the tab titled Client Images, and click it. Read More

What are the new features for Boat Policy Type in your JeneisNow?

Boat Policy Type: We've modified your boat insurance coverage with additional options. Read More

How do I download commissions reports in JenesisNow?

Commission Manager - JenesisNow: Start by clicking Companies from the left sidebar, then select All Companies. The Companies dashboard appears. Use the search bar at the top and search for companies you’ve downloaded your commissions with. After finding your company, notice Editing Company. Read More

How do I set up Renewals inside your management system in JeneisNow?

How to set up Renewals inside your management system in JeneisNow. First, you want to add your Renewal Card by clicking on the Plus Sign (+) on the blank card. Read More

How do I use the Time Clock feature in JeneisNow?

How to use the Time Clock feature in JeneisNow. Start by clicking on the 3 lines at the top left to bring up an option list. Read More

How do I Automatically Cancel Policies in JeneisNow?

How to use the Turn On and Off Feature to Automatically Cancel Policies in JeneisNow. Read More

How do I Set Up Downloads for Addresses in JeneisNow?

Allowing Downloads to update Addresses. How to Set Up Downloads for Addresses in JeneisNow.  Read More

How do you apply your User’s Signature to your Acord form in JenesisNow?

JenesisNow - Agent Signatures on Acord 25. How to apply your User's Signature to your Acord form in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I add Lienholders in JenesisNow?

How to add your Lienholders in JenesisNow. Begin by going over to the left sidebar and hovering over Companies, then select New Lienholder. Read More

How do I set up a Suspense in JeneisNow?

How to set up a Suspense in JeneisNow. First, go to the toolbar to the left of the screen, hover over suspense, and select New Suspense. Read More

How do I enter packages for my customers in JenesisNow?

Personal Package, Commercial Package, & BOP Policy Types. How to enter packages for your customers in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I track and view absences in JenesisClassic?

How to track and view absences in JenesisClassic. The first step is to determine how much time off each user will be allotted. Read More

How do I send a J-Mail in JenesisNow?

How to send a J-Mail in JenesisNow. J-Mail can be accessed from the upper blue toolbar by clicking on the Envelope icon. Read More

How do I set up locations in JenesisNow?

How to set up your locations in JenesisNow. First, hover over Agency (AGY), then select All Locations on the left sidebar. Read More

How do I set up my agency in JenesisNow?

How to set up your agency in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I change “Other” Policy Types in JenesisNow?

Changing other Policy Types - JenesisNow: Start by searching for your client by using the Search Bar at the top right corner and type in your client’s name. The Client View page will appear. Navigate down to the Policies Card and select policy type Other. Read More

How do I add Custom Payment Types & Fees in JenesisNow?

How to add your custom fee automation in JenesisNow. To begin, select All Locations under Agency (AGY) on the left sidebar. The next step is to select the area to which you would like to add your payments. Scroll down until you reach a section labeled Location Options on the screen’s right side. You’ll notice automatic fess, turn it on and it will automatically save. Read More

How do I set up Email Marketing campaigns in JenesisNow?

JenesisNow - Email Marketing: From the left sidebar located under Agency (AGY), select All Locations, then double-click on the location name. We’re going to focus on the middle column titled Location Marketing. Notice there are different campaigns. The question mark next to the campaign's name will give you information regarding what the campaign can provide you. Read More

How do I request downloads in JenesisNow?

JenesisNow - Requesting Downloads: First, make sure all of your companies have been added under All Companies. To do this, click on Companies (COMP), then select All Companies, and check to see all your companies are listed. Read More

How do I Add a Certificate Signature for Client Portal in JenesisClassic?

How to select the default agent signature in JenesisClassic. Read More

How do I view and process eDocs & Message Downloads in JenesisNow?

How to view and process notes in JenesisNow. Using eDocs and Message Downloads. First, go to the left side bar and click Downloads (DNLD), then select Download, and company downloads will then appear. Read More

How do I add Fees & Taxes in JenesisNow?

How to separate out fees and taxes on your policies in JenesisNow. You’ll find the following information under a client's profile: Premium, Policy Fee, and Taxes. Read More

How do I set up and use WeSignature Integration in JenesisNow?

How to set up and use WeSignature Integration in JenesisNow. JenesisNow- WeSignature Integration After setting up your account with WeSignature, go to the Jenesis main page, go to the left ... Read More

How do I Add an Errors & Omissions Policy in JenesisNow?

Adding Errors and Omissions Policy - JenesisNow On your client view, go to Policies and select the plus sign in the right corner. Read More

How do I use Downloads for Commercial Lines in JenesisNow?

In this video, we'll walk through downloads for commercial insurance lines in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I Email a Certificate to multiple Certificate Holders in JenesisNow?

How to generate a Certificate of Insurance and send it to multiple Certificate Holders in JenesisNow. JenesisNow- Emailing a Certificate to multiple Certificate Holders To access the Acord Library, go to ... Read More

How do I Bridge to a Company from Quote Control in JenesisClassic?

How to bridge to a company from quote control in JenesisClassic. Read More

How do I Set up the Client Portal in JenesisClassic?

How to set up your client portal for your team members as well as your insured in JenesisClassic. Read More

How do I use WeSignature with JenesisClassic?

How to use WeSignature with JenesisClassic. Read More

How do I add a client receipt using JenesisNow?

How to add a client receipt using your JenesisNow system. Read More

How do I re-shop a policy that’s up for renewal?

Have any of your clients come up for renewal? Wouldn’t you love to know a simple way to re-shop their policy for a smooth insurance policy renewal? Read More

How do I Manage Claims in JenesisClassic

Managing claims is easy in JenesisClassic and this video shows you how. Read More

How do I store Rates in Quote Control in JenesisClassic?

JenesisClassic allows for the convenience of storing several rate quotes in Quote Control. Read More

How do I create a Marketing Campaign Report?

There is a new Marketing Campaign Report in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I use Productivity Reports in JenesisNow?

How to track productivity in your JenesisNow system using the transaction log report. Read More

How do I Transfer a Policy in JenesisNow?

How to move a policy to a different client in your JenesisNow system. This can be used to make a correction if a policy was accidentally linked to the wrong client. Occasionally the auto-download feature may link a policy to the wrong system. Read More

How does the Time Clock feature work in JenesisNow?

To enable the Time Clock feature for your agency locations, begin from your JenesisNow main screen... Read More

Is JenesisNow easy to use? See an overview.

Do you need a true web-based, affordable agency management system to help run your agency, but think switching systems will be costly and painful? Read More

How do I use the Progressive Policy Downloader in JenesisNow?

How to use the Progressive Policy Downloader in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I set up the Rater in JenesisNow?

How to set up Jenesis Now to use the Rater to obtain rates from all your carriers. Read More

How do I use the Policy Type Tool in JenesisClassic?

If you’re doing a conversion from JenesisClassic to JenesisNow, it's important to note that your policy types match up prior to the final conversion. Read More

How does the JenesisClassic Client Portal work?

Welcome to the tour of the Jenesis Client Portal! Accessible by clients at with assigned credentials. Read More

How do I Manage and Track Sources in JenesisClassic?

Why you should require a source on every quote/policy and how to set up source tracking. Read More

How do I link to a carrier’s website from within a policy in JenesisNow?

How to link directly to the carrier’s website from within your client’s policy in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I manually download without IVANS in JenesisNow?

Tips for manual downloads with JenesisNow. This video tutorial will teach you four ways to quickly search for and find clients (even if you can’t remember their name!) in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I search for clients in JenesisNow?

This video tutorial will teach you four ways to quickly search for and find clients (even if you can’t remember their name!) in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I add a Dashboard Renewal Card in JenesisNow?

This video tutorial will teach you how to track renewals using the Dashboard Card feature in JenesisNow. Read More

How do I manually upload Download Files in JenesisNow?

How to keep your desktop downloads folder clean and avoid errors during upload with JenesisNow. Read More

How do I use Quote Control to convert potential clients to customers in JenesisClassic?

This video tutorial will teach you how to navigate and effectively use the Quote Control section to convert potential clients to customers in JenesisClassic.   JenesisClassic - Quote Control Quote ... Read More

How do I close out my Drawer for the End of Day in JenesisNow?

A step-by-step guide to closing out the drawer using the End of Day feature. Read More

How do I set up 2 Factor Authentication in JenesisNow?

2 Factor Authentication can be set up to work with email or text/SMS messages. Read More

How do I use the Imperial Premium Finance integration in JenesisNow?

Step-by-step overview of how to use the Imperial Premium Finance integration with JenesisNow. Read More

How do I use Invoices in JenesisNow?

Learn all about creating, sending and managing Invoices in JenesisNow. This video shows a step-by-step overview. Read More

How do I use Company Setup – “Other” in JenesisNow?

Here’s how to use the new Company Setup - “other” option. This video tutorial will give you a quick tour of the “other” New Company feature in JenesisNow. JenesisNow - Company Setup “other” To add a new ... Read More

How do I Filter Suspenses in JenesisClassic?

Updates have been made to the Suspense display on the client main screen. Now you can filter and search within the suspenses!   JenesisClassic - Filtering Suspenses Changes have been made to the ... Read More

How do I setup social security number permissions in JenesisClassic?

JenesisClassic is more secure than ever, displaying only the last 4 digits of the clients’ social security number. This video tutorial will show you how to adjust the social security number display feature. JenesisClassic - Setting Social ... Read More

How do I use the Tabs feature in JenesisClassic?   JenesisClassic - Tabs Feature JenesisClassic windows now open as tabs instead of maintaining all navigation inside one window. Now you can navigate from the Dashboard window into a customer ... Read More

How do I rename the Suspense box in JenesisClassic?   Introducing the option to rename the Suspense box in JenesisClassic - one way Jenesis is making your life easier. Jenesis insurance software for agents was thoughtfully designed to help insurance ... Read More

What are the steps to Integrate Outlook in JenesisClassic?   Our newest feature in JenesisClassic - email integration with Gmail and Outlook is now available. Jenesis insurance software for agents was thoughtfully designed to help insurance agents be more ... Read More

How do I Generate Reports in JenesisNow? It’s no surprise you want to know how to generate reports in JenesisNow. Jenesis insurance software for agents includes simple ways to create and generate reports for internal and external use. This affordable ... Read More

How do I use Forms, Applications & Certificates in JenesisNow?

Forms inside of Jenesis can refer to your Statement of Loss, Acord Forms, or even a Certificate of Insurance. Read More

How do I Manually Renew Policies in JenesisNow?

Policy Renewals in JenesisNow is done manually beginning from the Client View screen. Read More

How do I add a policy in JenesisNow?   JenesisNow - Adding A Policy Beginning from the Client View, navigate to the Policies box and click the plus sign. From the pop-up window, select the type of policy you need to add using the drop ... Read More

How do I do Endorsements in JenesisNow? JenesisNow- Creating Endorsements This video will show you how to use endorsement if your agency uses downloads and if your agency doesn’t use downloads. Downloads used - Go to the ... Read More

How do I attach an image or document in JenesisNow? JenesisNow - Imaging Think of media files as attachments that can be stored in different places in JenesisNow. Examples: under user profile, you could have a copy of your license; under agency, ... Read More

How do I quote Mobile Home insurance in Quote Control?   Read More

How do I use the rater in JenesisNow?   Read More

How do I use Tags in JenesisNow?   Have you been wondering how to use Tags in JenesisNow? Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents has tags that can be used for quick searches and as indicators of policy detail. This affordable ... Read More

How do I merge clients in JenesisNow? To merge to clients, go to the client view screen, make sure both clients appear in the People section, and do a search to ensure they have overlapping policies. Then, find which client has more ... Read More

How do I add an email signature in JenesisNow?   JenesisNow - Adding Email & Text Signature In this video, you’ll see how easy it is to add text and email signature details to your messages. From the main screen, select your email displayed ... Read More

How Do I Set Up JLinks in JenesisClassic?   JenesisClassic - Setting Up J-Links Preparation for J-Links: Begin from the Dashboard screen. From the menu bar across the top, click on Utilities and Company Setup. Company List will ... Read More

How Do I Turn on Less Secure Apps Option in Google/Gmail? Read More

How Do I Use Two Factor Authentication in Google/Gmail (2 Step / 2FA Settings)? Read More

How Do I Enable Gmail IMAP? Read More

Does Jenesis integrate with Imperial Premium Finance Company? To learn more about how JenesisClassic integrates with IPFS, watch this video. Read More

Have you been wondering how to adjust the color scheme in JenesisClassic?   Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has a really fun, per-user option to change the background and primary colors on your dashboard! This affordable insurance agency management system from ... Read More

Have you been wondering how to use SimplyEasier Payments in JenesisClassic? Have you been wondering how to integrate and make the best use of SimplyEasier Payments in combination with JenesisClassic? Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has an SEP integration feature you ... Read More

Have you been wondering how to use Formstack (formerly InsureSign) in JenesisClassic?   Have you been wondering how to integrate and make the best use of Formstack in combination with JenesisClassic? Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has a Formstack integration feature you ... Read More

Are you looking for an easy, efficient way to keep track of email verification?   Are you looking for an easy, efficient way to keep track of email verification? Here, this brief video by Jenesis Software shows you how to use this handy new feature. When someone clicks on a ... Read More

Have you been wondering how to integrate and use Sprucebooks in JenesisNow? WeSignature Payments is a platform that JenesisNow integrates with, so if you would like to have credit card processing done through WeSignature Payments. Once you have a WeSignature Payment ... Read More

Have you been wondering how to integrate and use SimplyEasier Payments in JenesisNow? Have you been wondering how to integrate and make the best use of SimplyEasier Payments in combination with JenesisNow? Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has an SEP integration feature you MUST ... Read More

How do I see a list of most recently viewed clients?   We’re happy to introduce you to one of our favorite features of Jenesis Classic, the Clients Last Viewed list. The list of most recently viewed clients lets agents pick up easily where they left off ... Read More

How do I view prior policies (generations)? Previous policies (generations) can contain useful information for insurance agents. Flip easily through clients’ current and past insurance policies using Jenesis insurance CRM software. This affordable ... Read More

What options JenesisClassic provide for storing details of Life and Health policies?

Have you been wondering what options Jenesis provides for storing details of Life and Health policies? This tutorial video shows you how and where to store detailed policy information for your customers, group policies, and even employee ... Read More

Jenesis Classic – Do you want to create an email list for an email campaign? Have you been wanting to create an email blast or an email campaign to specific groups of target clients? Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has a list building feature you MUST know about! This ... Read More

JenesisClassic – Have you been searching for Acord Forms? Jenesis Classic - Acord Library Have you been searching for Acord Forms within the Jenesis software? To access blank Acord Forms: From the Jenesis Main Screen click Forms and Letters in the grey menu bar ... Read More

JenesisClassic – Progressive Download Setup FAQ

Have you been wondering how to request downloads from Progressive? This quick video provides instructions on agent master codes, agency codes, pins, and other details you’ll need to gather, plus the websites to visit and the phone numbers to ... Read More

How Do I Add A Client In JenesisNow?

Wondering how to most efficiently add new clients in JenesisNow? By watching this video, you’ll quickly learn how to add new prospective clients or existing clients into JenesisNow in just 3 easy ... Read More

How Do I Use The Client General Tab in JenesisClassic?

If you’ve ever been unsure what the Client General screen is for within the Commercial Lines policy area, this video is for you! Quickly learn what information is housed in the Client General tab and how it’s ... Read More

How Do I Use The J-Capture Feature in JenesisClassic?

Have you ever wished you could save screenshots of pertinent details for a customer or policy inside JenesisClassic? Well, J-Capture is your dream come true! This video tutorial teaches you how to setup and use J-Capture, which will allow ... Read More

How Do I Enter a Life or Health Policy in JenesisClassic?

Have you been wondering where to enter the pertinent details of a new Life, Health, Dental, or Group Policy for your clients? This quick tutorial shows how to enter a new life or health insurance policy in Jenesis ... Read More

How Do I use JLink Notes in JenesisClassic   JenesisClassic J-Link Notes Beginning from the Jenesis Main Screen Dashboard, use the shortcut, Ctrl +W to go to J Links. Notice the new Notes field. This is intended for use by admin to ... Read More

Linking Profiles in JenesisClassic

Now you can link two related yet separate policies together, which works well for partners, family members, and couples. JenesisClassic Linking Profiles Beginning at the Client Main Screen in Jenesis Classic, follow the example that we ... Read More

JenesisClassic – Acord Library FAQ Read More

Is there a Report to view Renewals that are Paid in Full?

Jenesis Agency Management system provides you with a variety of reports to help you manage your information, including the Renewal (Paid In Full) Report. This provides you with a list of clients by date range that have renewal offers and have ... Read More

Can I search by Vehicle Number VIN?

Jenesis Agency Management System lets you search for your insurance clients in a number of ways including by Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Step 1:  Open Jenesis to Main Screen Step 2:  Find the Advanced Search and Choose Vehicle ... Read More

How can I create a Suspense from my Notes?

Jenesis Agency Management System is designed to help you organize you task items through our handy Suspense Feature. You can also create Suspenses when you enter notes. Check out the video to learn more. Step 1:  Open the Client or Policy ... Read More

Can I track Credit Card Information in Jenesis?

Jenesis Agency Management System helps you save time, maximize efficiency and give your clients options with our ability to store credit card information. Learn how. Step 1:  Access your client profile or policy Step 2:  Click the Credit ... Read More

How can I track Quotes from the Client Level?

Jenesis Agency Management System not only allows you to enter Quotes on the client level and you can track the status as well. Step 1:  Hit Add Client Step 2:  Enter your basic Quote Information Step 3:  Select Quote as you Status Step ... Read More

Can I link to Finance Companies in Jenesis?

Jenesis Agency Management System allows you easy access to all of your information. You can link directly from the policy level to any finance company. Step 1:  Add the Finance Company in Company Setup Step 2:  Go to J-Links and Add the ... Read More

How do I track Claims in Jenesis?

Track claims easily with Jenesis Agency Management System. Include relevant information such as Claim Number and Adjuster Name. Its the details that matter when you need information quickly for your clients. We help make your service ... Read More

Is there a J-Link for Heritage Insurance?

The Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System lets you access your Heritage Insurance Policy Information quickly and easily with J-Links. Your carrier information has never been more accessible. To Set Up the J-Link Step 1:  From the ... Read More

Can I track Prospects by Source?

Jenesis Agency Management System makes managing your Prospects easy. You can easily enter prospects and track the marketing source they came from. We also have a Prospects by Source Report that lets you view the information quickly to know if ... Read More

How do I create and email Favorite Reports?

You can create Favorite Reports and even set up recurring emails to receive the information in Jenesis Agency Management System.  This helps save time and gets you the critical data you need related to your business. To Save a Report to ... Read More

Can I filter my Downloads by Location?

Jenesis Agency Management System lets you process downloads easily even if you have multiple locations. Simply click the location filter and choose the one you want to work with. Its that simple. To Process Downloads Step 1:  From the ... Read More

How do I View a Memo as a PDF or Save it to Images?

Jenesis Agency Management System lets you easily create letters and templates to send to your customers directly from the client or the policy level.  We also give you the ability to email, text, save to images and view as PDF.  These options ... Read More

How to Edit a Certificate Holder

View Video Here Read More

Can I use Jenesis on a Tablet, iPad, or Smartphone?

With the Hosted version of Jenesis Agency Management System you have the flexibility of using your Tablet, iPad, or Smartphone.   You can use the product whether you are on the Citrix environment or the vWorkspace environment. Step 1:  Start ... Read More

Can I send letters to previous customers?

Marketing to Previous Customers has never been easier that in the Jenesis Agency Management System.  Along with all the amazing communications you can automatically generate, your previous customers just became potential future prospects.  And ... Read More

Can I export Policy Information back to Quote Control?

Reshop Renewals easily in Jenesis. Quickly export policy information back to Quote Control with a few simple steps Step 1: Access the Client Step 2: Double click on the Policy Step 3: Click Quote Control Step 4: Click Yes to Import the ... Read More

Can I track why clients purchase and why they leave my agency?

Jenesis Agency Management System gives you fields to track why clients purchased and why clients left. Step 1:  Access the policy Step 2:  Find the "Why Purchased" field and enter your information Step 3:  To track "Why Left" select the ... Read More

Can I send a Thank You to customer who renew?

That's right. We have a great way to generate thank you letters for people who renew their policies with you. Just take the following steps to set up your Direct Mail, Email or Text Campaign and you are easily building rapport with your ... Read More

Can I filter downloads by Location?

In Jenesis Version 17.9.0 and higher your agency management system allows you to process downloads by Location. Step 1:  From the Main Screen Select Upload Download Step 2:  Click Process Download Step 3:  Filter for your ... Read More

How can I export a production report to excel?

Jenesis Agency Management System gives you the ease and flexibility of exporting any of our production reports to Excel. Step 1:  From the Main Screen select Reports and Production Step 2:  Place a check mark next to the Report you want ... Read More

How do I copy a Recently Created Acord Form?

You can easily create Acord forms in Jenesis Software.  The also store in your Recently Created section allowing you not only a record of everything that has transpired but also easy access.  It gets even better.  You can also copy recently ... Read More

How do I print and Acord 152 Commercial Inland Marine form?

Some of you may be familiar with the Acord 146.  This Acord form is used for Commercial Inland Marine policies. This form has been replaced with the Acord 152.  To access the Acord 152 in Jenesis Open your Commercial Inland Marine ... Read More

How can I filter by policy status?

Jenesis Insurance Management Software just added a great new way to streamline your policy view. View Active policies, Pending Cancels, Renewals and more. Step 1: Choose your client Step 2: Click the dropdown in the filter area. Step 3: ... Read More

How can I add an Invoice Footer?

There are times when you need to include additional information on you invoice. Maybe you want to tell people who to make checks payable to or other important information. In Version 17.8.0 and higher of Jenesis Insurance Management ... Read More

Can I search suspenses?

Did you know that all of a clients suspenses are tracked on the Client Main Screen in the Jenesis Insurance Management System. Did you know that you can even search those suspenses to save time and find the information you need quickly and ... Read More

How do I link to Erie Policies?

In version 17.8.0 and higher you can J-Link easily to any Erie policy. Step 1:  Set up Erie in Company Setup Step 2:  Hit Ctrl-W and create the J-Links.  You will need a link for each user. Step 3:  Find your policy and click the ... Read More

How do I filter Quote Control by user or location?

Filtering your quotes has never been easier. Just look for the handy filters on the blue menu bar where you see Quote Control on your main screen. Choose all or specify your location or your user. The changes will automatically save and ... Read More

How do I pull Full Coverage and Liability Auto Reports?

Jenesis gives you the ease of viewing Full Coverage and Liability Reports either in Summary, Company or User views.  To pull a report follow these easy instructions. From the Jenesis Main Screen Click Reports and Production Choose the ... Read More

How do I access the Acord 36 (Agent Record of Change)?

It's simple Step 1:  Select your client from the Main Screen of Jenesis Step 2:  Choose the Commercial Tab and double click your policy Step 3:  Choose Forms from the Menu at the top Step 4:  Select Acord Library Step 5: ... Read More

How do I Email ID Cards, Statements of Coverage, Invoices and Receipts to my customers?

Step 1:  Choose the document you want to email Step 2:  Hit the Email or Text button Step 3:  Create the content of your email and even save it as a template or use an existing template Step 4:  Hit Send View Video Here Read More

How do I create Commercial Lines Proposals?

Creating a Commercial Lines Proposal is quick and easy. Step 1:  Double click on a commercial quote Step 2:  Click Forms from the Menu at the top Step 3:  Choose Commercial Insurance Proposal Step 4:  Click Create New ... Read More

How do I sent a Commercial Certificate to multiple holders?

Sending a Certificate of Insurance to multiple holders is easy Step 1:  Access the client profile Step 2:  Choose the Commercial Tab Step 3:  Click the Certificate Button Step 4:  Choose "Add a Cert Holder" Step 6:  Hit the Ctrl ... Read More

What options do I have when taking a credit card payment in Jenesis?

Jenesis provides you a variety of insurance software solutions when it comes to taking credit card payments.  Credit Card to Company - Simply select this as a payment type when doing a receipt, J-link to your company and take your payment ... Read More

Can I preview the emails Jenesis sends out?

Insurance Software Solutions -  When setting up your email campaign its easy to preview the emails prior to them being sent.  Follow these easy steps to make it happen Go to Agency Setup from the Jenesis Main Screen Click the ... Read More

How can I cross sell to renters?

Step 1:  Make sure you fill in the Homeowner field in each policy Step 2:  Pull the Auto without Home Report (Reports/Production/Marketing) Step 3:  Create memos or letters for these customers offering them your renters product View ... Read More

How do I email a receipt from Jenesis?

Click on the More Options button on the Receipt screen and click on the Email or Text button. Watch the sort video below to see this work. View Video Here Read More

How do I review commercial endorsements?

Step 1:  Go to the policy you want to review Step 2:  Click on Endorsement from the top ribbon Step 3:  Click on either drivers or vehicles in the endorsement review section View Video Here Read More

Can I view attachments that are in a clients notes?

The answer is yes you can Step 1:  Pull up the client you want to view an attachment for Step 2:  Click view notes Step 3:  Copy the filepath for the attachment Step 4:  Paste it in View Attachments at the top of the ... Read More

How can I view everything that downloaded in to Jenesis?

To check all of your downloaded transactions you can Step 1:  Go to Upload/Download from the main screen Step 2:  Click Process Download Step 3:  Click view all Downloaded Transactions Step 4:  Enter your date range Read More

How can I set Jenesis up to send automatic text messages to clients?

Step 1:  Go to utilities and Agency Setup Step 2:  Click the communications tab and look for the text message section Step 3:  Place a check mark next to the text communication that you want to send Step 4:  Add the content for the ... Read More

How can I clone a user in Jenesis?

Step 1:  Access User Setup by clicking Utilities and User Setup or hit Ctrl-U on the keyboard Step 2:  Select the User you want to clone. Step 3:  Hit Clone User Step 4:  Enter the name of the new User Step 5:  Click OK Step 6: ... Read More

How do I manage batch scanning in Jenesis?

To Batch Scan follow these easy steps Step 1:  Click Tools from the Main Screen and select Jimages Step 2:  Scan in each document Step 3:  Select the document you want to work with and hit Transfer Image Step 4:  Choose the client ... Read More

How do I disable direct mail and email notifications to clients?

Jenesis allows you to generate emails and direct mail related to specific events for your customers.  To disable notifications please follow these steps Step 1:  Pull up the clients profile Step 2:  Click Notifications Step 3:  Find ... Read More

What is the difference in Quote Control statuses?

Pending Quote - You still need to do work on the quote.  IE need to call the customer back to tell them the rate, rate it with another company etc.  If a quote remains in this status it will continue to show up on your main screen in the quote ... Read More

How can I add a Payee Address in Jbooks?

Adding a Payee Address is easy. Step 1:  Go to Tools and click Jbooks from your main screen Step 2:  Click Check Register Step 3:  Put in the Account you want to complete an entry for Step 4:  Add the entry (You can also Import ... Read More

How can I pull a report that shows the longest active client or the highest premium clients?

Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System allows you to pull information that shows the length that your active clients have been with the agency as well as the total premium information for each customer. You can also sort the reports by ... Read More

How do I use the Acord Library

Jenesis Agency Management System offers a comprehensive Acord Library that includes Fillable PDF's and a variety of pre-filled forms. You can also easily print, save to images and email them, reducing time and increasing efficiency. View Video Here Read More

How do I search by Certificate Holder?

Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System lets you easily search by Certificate Holder allowing you to find your commercial clients quickly and easily. Look for Advanced Search Options Click the Dropdown menu and find Certificate ... Read More

How do I customize my main screen?

You can easily switch some of the areas on the main screen of Jenesis to show customized information.  Switching between things like your calendar, expiration lists, and renewals is simple. Just click on the drop down and highlight the ... Read More

Can I Copy and Paste VIN Numbers?

Jenesis Insurance Agency Management system allows you to copy and paste in a variety of areas including the VIN fields. All you need to do is right click and a box will pop up and allow you to Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste. Jenesis also makes a ... Read More

How do I change my password in Jenesis?

To change your password inside Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System you must be an administrator or have permissions to make the change. Step 1: Choose Utilities from the Main Screen Step 2: Select User Setup (you can also hit Ctrl-U ... Read More

How do I print/email a list of Certificate Holders?

Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System lets you print or email a certificate holders list for each of your clients.  Its super easy. Step 1:  Click Certificate Step 2:  Click Cert Holders List Step 3:  Either Print or Save to ... Read More

How do I find the Commercial Evidence of Property?

The Acord 28 Commercial Evidence of Property form can be accessed from the Acord Library. The Acord Library is located off the main screen and on the Commercial Policy level. View Video Here Read More

How do I search by Business Name?

Jenesis Insurance Agency Management System has replaced the second first and last name search option at the top of the Jenesis Main Screen with a search option for business name. Agents are still able to use the Advanced Search for both second ... Read More

How do I view a suspense on the policy level?

We have added a View Suspense button to the bottom of both the Personal Lines and Commercial Lines screens to have the ability to look at open and completed suspenses for a specific policy. View Video Here Read More

How do I type in upper case in Jenesis?

To make all  your information upper case you just need to hit the Shift and Caps Lock Key at the same time on your keyboard. View Video Here Read More

How can I pull a report for open suspenses?

The open suspense report allows you to see any uncompleted suspenses and even work them directly from the report. Step 1:  Click Reports and Production from the Main Screen Step 2:  Choose the Misc. tab Step 3:  Place a check mark next ... Read More

How do I pull a report for my book of business?

Pulling your book of business is easy. Step 1:  Select Reports from the Ribbon at the top of the main screen Step 2:  Select Production Step 3:  Select the Personal or Commercial lines tab depending on which you need Step 4:  Place ... Read More

How do I email saved images

Emailing saved images is so easy. Anywhere you see the option to save to images just say yes and then you can hit the email button to send it directly from the imaging screen.  Don't forget you can also do this with any scanned or imported ... Read More

Can I track how the company sends commissions and renewal letters?

Jenesis makes tracking how the company sends commissions and renewal letters easy. Step 1:  Go to Utilities and click on Company Setup Step 2:  Find the Company you are looking for Step 3:  Look for the field labeled Commission Method ... Read More

How do I enter a Renters Quote?

A renters policy falls under the Personal Property - Homeowners umbrella.   Home policies are broken down in to a variety of forms that include various coverages. Renters is considered HO-4.  This policy does not include coverages for ... Read More

How do I pull a Date of Birth Report?

To pull a Date of Birth Report Step 1:  Go to Reports Step 2:  Go to Production Step 3:  Go to Misc Step 4:  Place a check mark in the Date of Birth Report section Step 5:  Enter a date range Step 6:  Click Preview For ... Read More

How do I send an email to multiple people through Jenesis?

Emailing multiple people in Jenesis is simple. Step 1: Type in the first email address Step 2: Put a comma after the email address Step 3: Type the next email address Note: Do not include spaces after the comma. This will prevent ... Read More

How do I add multiple policies to one finance contract?

Step 1:  Choose a policy and enter finance contract information for that policy Step 2:  Go to the Client Main Screen and select Premium Finance Step 3:  Open the Finance Contract and Add any additional policies Step 4:  Enter your new ... Read More

How do I sign in to Jenesis 247?

Jenesis247 allows you to log in from any computer any where 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Its easy to use and lets you monitor your policy information from the ease of your home and even when travelling. To log in you simply follow these ... Read More

How can I filter payments on the Remittance Report?

Filtering for specific companies on the remittance report is easy. Step 1: Click Reports and Remittance Step 2: Select a Date Range and the Locations for your report Step 3: Make sure the box next to Remittance Report is checked Step 5: ... Read More

How do I pull a list of Agency Transactions in JenesisClassic?

Sometimes an agency may need to pull a list of transactions performed by the agency or a specific user. Jenesis offers you this option.   To pull it follow these simple steps: 1. From the Main ... Read More

How do I file documents in Jenesis from Formstack (formerly InsureSign)?

Formstack is a 3rd party partner of Jenesis that allows you to send and have documents signed easily and efficiently.  You can send images, receipts, statetments of no loss and a variety of other documents quickly and easily.  Partners like ... Read More

What wording should I use in my Jenesis System Letters?

Hi Guys, Over the years I have gotten numerous questions as to what people should put in the Communications tab when setting up System Letters.  Here are some examples. AP  Letter According to our records your insurance policy has an ... Read More

Why can I not see pending cancellations in my downloads from companies?

Standard AL3 deployments don’t have download transactions for cancellation pending.  Most carriers use the standard transactions – new business, endorsement, cancellation, reinstatement, renewal, and rewrite for their daily, routine downloads.  ... Read More

How can I add a client through Downloads?

Adding a client through downloads is easy. Of course you have the New Business screen available when processing, but what if you miss one or you don't see it there? We have that covered. Follow these simple steps and you can add a client with ... Read More

What is a Compact and Repair?

A compact and repair essentially cleans up your data.  Over time as your client base grows so does your data.  As you enter information temporary files are created that can take up space over time.  Running a Compact and Repair can remove any ... Read More

How often should I do a Compact and Repair? (For Desktop Users Only)

A Compact and Repair is only necessary when you do a Jenesis Version Update!   Read More

Why is my Jenesis Slow?

There can be a number of factors related to your network and computer equipment that can affect the speed of Jenesis.  Here are a few things to check that might help. Confirm your network switch is a gigabit and not 10/100. Confirm all ... Read More

How do I get Google Reviews?

The first step is to promote, promote, promote!  If you don't remind people they won't do it unless they have a bad experience.  So as a part of your branding efforts , you as a business owner need to do everything you can to encourage your ... Read More

Why do I need Google Reviews?

There are alot of reasons that you should work towards getting Google Reviews Google can be a social tool to help you promote your Business. It also contributes to SEO if you have a Website, and ultimately your page ranking. Google is ... Read More

How do I Edit Notes?

Jenesis lets you add comments to Notes from the Policy Level To Edit a Note Step 1: Find the Policy you need to edit Step 2: Click View Notes Step 3: Next to the note you wish to edit click "Add to Notes" Step 4: Type in your Comments ... Read More

How do I delete a policy or a generation?

There may be times when you need to delete a policy or generation from Jenesis. There are several ways you can accomplish this. Method 1 Step 1:  Open the Client Profile Step 2:  Click Policy List Step 3:  Highlight the policy you ... Read More

Why can’t I see any policies on the Client Screen?

So you go to your clients profile and you know they have policies.  Maybe its an auto or a homeowners or even a commercial policy, but you can't see it on the tab. It could be that you accidentally marked all the generations prior and that's ... Read More

How do I fix policies needing a company assigned in downloads?

If you download with a new company or even if they change their name or NAIC code you may see a message on your downloads from time to time that says the policies need a company assigned. To resolve the problem Step 1:  Highlight the ... Read More

How do I email ID Cards from Jenesis?

To email an ID card from Jenesis Step 1:  Open the clients profile and go to the appropriate policy Step 2:  Click Drivers Step 3:  Choose Print and Click on ID Cards Step 4:  Select Save to Images Step 5:  Choose a Category (You ... Read More

How do I add an email signature in Jenesis?

Jenesis version 16.4.0 and higher allow you the ability to add an email signature. This email signature will automatically appear every time you send an email from Jenesis saving you time and making your job just a little easier. To set ... Read More

How do I change the scanner I use for Jenesis?

There will be a time in your agency where you have to change scanners.  It could be because you just like the most updated technology or it could be that the equipment fails and you are forced.  Either way you will need to update Jenesis to use ... Read More

How do I make critical notes pop up on a clients profile?

I can't tell you how many times in the Insurance Biz I have needed to see critical information on a customers account.  Particularly if they are in the office.  I can handle the situation right then. Jenesis makes it easy. Step 1:  Set up ... Read More

I’m getting an Object Variable Error message for SEP and/or JLinks. How do I fix it?

The SEP interface in Jenesis is driven by your browser.  There may be times in Jenesis where you see an error message that says "Object Variable or with Block Variable not set". Then the browser screen will come up instead of taking you to ... Read More

What is the Power of Attorney form?

There are times when a client may assign Power of Attorney to another individual.  To protect yourself and your agency you want to make sure you have all the appropriate documentation indicating that Individual A has the right and permission to ... Read More

How do I edit the default Consent Form Message?

Jenesis gives you the choice of either printing a separate Fee Consent Form or automatically including it on the receipt.  Either way you may want to edit that form. Depending on your state we recommend verifying exactly the information you ... Read More

How can I find a customer if I don’t remember their name?

To find a customer when you can't remember their name you can use the Production Reports. You access it from the Main Screen in Jenesis. Click on Reports at the top, and choose Production Then choose the Personal Lines Tab Place a ... Read More

How do I set up Text Messaging and Emailing in Jenesis

Jenesis lets you text message and email customers directly from their profile.  But you need to do a few key things first to make sure it works. Step 1:  Utilities and User Setup (Ctrl-U) - Once you access User Setup choose the profile you ... Read More

How do I update my version of Jenesis? (For Desktop Users Only)

Jenesis releases a new version update around every 8 weeks.  Version updates contain fixes and new features. Each time we release a new version we will post these on the Jenesis Sign-In screen to notify you. To update your version Step ... Read More

How do I move or transfer a policy from one client to another?

To move or transfer a policy take the following steps:   Step 1:  Open the policy you want to transfer Step 2:  Hit Endorsement in the Utility menu at the top of the screen Step 3:  Select Transfer Policy Step 4:  Type in ... Read More

How do I make my electronic signature print on my forms in Jenesis?

Having your electronic signature stored in Jenesis can save you tons of time and eliminate the stress of having to sign every single document. Step 1: Create your electronic signature - Sign your name and save the document as a .bmp file. ... Read More

How do you set a reminder to re-quote an existing quote?

To set a reminder for a Quote, hit Ctrl-S from the quote screen. In the 'Suspense To' field put the date you want to do the re-quote. It will show up in your Suspense box on the Main Screen on that date. You can also use Ctrl-Q to filter ... Read More

How do pull a report that shows a list of customers by class in Jenesis?

Go to Jenesis Main screen, Reports->Production->Misc tab->Class List by Location Read More

Why do I see #Name and #Type errors when trying to print an Insurance Home Binder?

This can happen when the policy dates do not match the coverage dates. To verify this on the Jenesis policy screen look in the upper right hand section of the page for Effective Date and Expiration Date. Press the Coverages button and verify ... Read More

Can I search by home phone as well as the cell phone option?

Yes, on the Jenesis Main Screen, from the Advanced Search drop down options, choose Home Phone then enter the phone number you want to search by. You can also use the Advanced Search for Work Phone as well as a lot of other search criteria. Read More

How do I customize labels in Jenesis?

Jenesis lets you customize certain labels in the software. Go to the client profile screen and click on the word Home in the phone number area. This will highlight the field and allow you to type over the existing text. There are several fields ... Read More

How do I change my Bank Draft Information?

If you need to update your Bank Draft Information for Jenesis Software, just fill out the attached from and fax it to (828) 707-9486. Click below to fill out the bank draft form and send it back to us. Jenesis Bank Draft ... Read More

How can I optimize the look of Jenesis? (Desktop Users Only)

Optimizing your display settings can make the screen fit more properly, as well as improve the fonts and just the overall look of the software, in return maximizing your experience. Right click on your desktop Go to Properties Click ... Read More

How do I determine how many hours an agent has worked?

To determine how many hours an agent has worked you need to make sure that your agents are using the 'Time Clock' feature in Jenesis. You can also determine how many hours over/short an agent was, if you enter the hours they work in the 'User ... Read More

How do I access User Profiles in Jenesis as an Administrator?

To access the user profiles in Jenesis as an Administrator you would hit Ctrl-U on the keyboard . To scroll through the records use the arrow key at the bottom of the page. Read More

Why won’t my home binder print?

For a binder to print from your insurance management software, it is critical to have the generation of the policy itself marked as active. Once you have determined that the policy is active go to the coverage screen and make sure it is marked ... Read More

How do I print a Homeowners Binder?

Binders can be printed for Home or Mobile Home Personal lines policies. To print a Binder Access the policy Select the Coverages Tab           Choose the Print ... Read More

How do I delete a Coverages Generation for a Homeowners Policy?

Open the clients profile Select the Policy Click the Coverages Button from the Policy Screen Choose the appropriate generation Double clicking the Filtered Text at the bottom left corner of the screen will show you how many ... Read More

How do I do a Compact and Repair?

Have everyone exit Jenesis Click Update Tools Click Compact and Repair Once Complete Exit and Open Jenesis View Video Here Read More

Why do I get a “Save, Drop Changes, Disregard” message box?

This message occurs when 2 people are trying to access the same record at the same time. Since Jenesis allows its users to share one database, accessing the same record at the same time can cause conflicts and potentially corrupt that clients ... Read More

Why is my policy/client data showing # signs?

This may indicate that the field is too small for the amount of data you have entered in. Try shortening the entry in that field and see if that resolves the issue. If you see the # signs in several fields it may indicate a bad record. To ... Read More

I do not currently use an Agency Management System. Why do I need one?

1. It allows the agent to image all documents into the client's profile. This keeps all documents at the agents finger tips and reduces the chance of something like fire destroying files kept in the office. 2. It allows for single click access ... Read More

In IMAGES, are we able to access a scanned document and e-mail only a portion of it without e-mailing the whole document?

Not really. A work around would be to print the pages you want to email, scan them back in, then mail the new one. Read More

Is there a way to go back a couple weeks and list the clients that were accessed on a certain day?

On the Jenesis main screen, go to Reports and choose Agency Activity Report. Enter a date range and you will be able to view all activity, by user. This will help if in User Setup you have selected to make a note when opening a client. Read More

What kind of scanner can I use?

Any model will do really. Brother and Lexmark are both ones we use in our offices and highly recommend. Make sure that the scanner you choose is Twain Driver compatible.  Like with anything, the more you spend on it the better it usually performs. Read More