Jenesis Classic – Do you want to create an email list for an email campaign?

Have you been wanting to create an email blast or an email campaign to specific groups of target clients?

Well, Jenesis insurance software for agents now has a list building feature you MUST know about! This affordable insurance agency management system from is your dream come true!

This video tutorial teaches you how to setup and use the email list builder, which will allow you to search for and compile a list of potential, past, or current clients based on custom criteria like age, policy dates, and more.

Jenesis Classic – Email List Building

From the Jenesis Main Screen, select Forms and Letters from the grey menu bar at the top, and Email List Builder from the drop down menu.

The Email List Builder box allows agents to search for clients meeting certain criteria. This could be active clients, in a certain age range, with cancellation or quote dates within a date range, or even with more than one policy.

Agents will want to search for target clients based on the purpose of the campaign.

Once the search criteria has been entered, select the Build List button at the bottom of the box. You’ll receive a pop-up asking if you want to open that folder. Select yes, and a folder containing a text document will be soon displayed.

That text document will contain all emails, names, and phone numbers of the clients that fit your search criteria.

From here you can craft your email, create a call list, etc.

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