How do I Integrate DocuSign within JenesisNow ?

Integrating DocuSign within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- DocuSign Integration

Before you can integrate DocuSign with JenesisNow, ensure you have signed up with DocuSign.

After you have signed up with DocuSign, go to the main screen in JenesisNow. From the left-side vertical toolbar, find the icon for Agency, then click All Locations. In the window that opens, click your location or each location you would like to have integrated. Then locate the location options on the right side of the screen and make sure the DocuSign Integration is turned ON.

If the DocuSign integration is turned on, you will see an arrow pointing down in the blue ribbon menu at the top (the icon for DocuSign); this is where you can connect to DocuSign.

How does DocuSign work? In the main dashboard for JenesisNow, select a client, then click on the icon for DocuSign in the blue ribbon menu. In this new window, bring in a file you want to be signed. This can be done by dragging and dropping the file or clicking the blue button and selecting the file you want to use with DocuSign.

Once you have chosen the document you would like to send for signature, fill in the Document Name section below the first section. In the third section, search for a client or enter their name into the fields in section three, along with their email. After you have entered the information, hit the Send button in the bottom right corner. A document copy will be sent to you, and the clients entered.

When the client receives the document, they will open it up and check on the agree box and then click the Continue button. Then the client can fill in the information by dragging what they would like to do from the left-side toolbar onto the document and perform that particular operation. After they have filled in the document, they will select Finish, and it will send a copy of the completed document back to you.

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