How does the Time Clock feature work in JenesisNow?

An overview of the Time Clock feature in JenesisNow.

JenesisNow – Time Clock

This video will demonstrate how to use the time clock feature within JenesisNow.

First, turn on the timeclock to make it active, and this is done by going to the left-sided vertical toolbar, clicking on Agency, then All Locations taking you to the Agency Locations page, and then clicking on the location desired, taking you to the Edit Agency Location page. On this page, scroll down and locate the Location Option card; inside it, find where it states Time Clock and then click the toggle switch to the right to turn it On. When you turn it on, it will automatically save, and a clock face will appear in the top blue ribbon menu.

Click on the time clock icon, bringing up the Time Clock pop-up window. Inside this window, its first feature is the green Clock In button. To clock in, click this button, and it will automatically clock you in and give a Recent Tmer notification at the bottom. Then to clock out, click the Clock Out button, and if necessary, fill in the Edit Comment field to note why you were clocking out. The other feature within this pop-up window is the ability to see all of your punches in and out for the week, and this is done by clicking in the box in the top-left corner next to

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