How do I merge clients in JenesisNow?

To merge to clients, go to the client view screen, make sure both clients appear in the People section, and do a search to ensure they have overlapping policies. Then, find which client has more information and policies on file and this is the one you will want to merge into the other account.

In the Client Merge section on the client view screen, search for the client’s account with more information and policies. Once the client is found, click on their name and the green Merge Client button. This will bring up a pop-up that asks, “Are you sure?” to this, click the green OK button.

After clicking the OK button, you will notice new policies added to the policy section to show that they did merge. Then, do this same process in the client merge section with the other person on the client view to merge all their policies.

Then, go back to the Client Merge section and type each client’s name in again to ensure no more policies are associated with these clients. This can also be checked in the search section in the upper right corner of the screen.


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