Linking Profiles in JenesisClassic

Now you can link two related yet separate policies together, which works well for partners, family members, and couples.

JenesisClassic Linking Profiles

Beginning at the Client Main Screen in Jenesis Classic, follow the example that we have a husband and wife who each own their own business. There’s only space for one company per profile and that business’ policies are listed in the Commercial Lines tab near the center of the screen.

Each person, the husband and the wife, in this example, will have separate profiles.

Notice the Linked Customers tab.

If you want to link two customers’ related, yet separate accounts together, select the “Add Link” button from within the Linked Customers tab. A Customer Linking Form will pop up in which you’d search for the account to which you want to link.

In this case, we have the husband’s account up, and we search for the wife’s account. Highlight the desired policy and click “Link Selected Account.”
Once linked, notice the asterisks on the Linked Customers tab. From within the husband’s account, if we select the Linked Customers tab, highlight the wife’s account, and select the “Go To Account” button, the system will navigate directly to the wife’s account.

Additional scenarios where accounts may need to be linked may include where the elderly are involved, when someone else takes care of the finances, or when relatives or partners are insured through your agency.

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Category: Clients, General

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