I’m getting an Object Variable Error message for SEP and/or JLinks. How do I fix it?

The SEP interface in Jenesis is driven by your browser.  There may be times in Jenesis where you see an error message that says “Object Variable or with Block Variable not set”.

Then the browser screen will come up instead of taking you to SEP and putting in the clients information.

To fix this issue

Solution 1

Step 1:  Close all browsers except 1

Step 2:  Click on the gear at the top of the browser and choose Internet Options

Step 3:  Disable the Smart Screen Filter

Step 4:  Click the Security Tab

Step 5:  Un-Check ‘Enable Protected Mode’ option  and Apply

Solution 2

If this continues to be an issue once you have applied these steps then

Step 1:  Click on the gear at the top of the browser and choose Internet Options

Step 2:  Go to Advanced Tab

Step 3:  Click the Reset Button

Step 4:  Repeat Solution 1

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