Explain the Option for the Preferred Business Name to show on Dashboard Cards within JenesisNow?

Added Option for Prefer Business Name to show on Dashboard Cards within JenesisNow

JenesisNow – Added Option for Prefer Business Name to show on Dashboard Cards

We have a new feature that pertains to your clients who also have a business. In the Last Viewed Clients, if your client has a business associated with them, this section will show their name and then their business name.

With this new feature, this can now be accomplished if you would like to have only the client’s business name without the client’s name. To do this, go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, hover over the agency tab, and then click all locations. On this page, click on the desired location, then scroll down to the Location Options section. In this section, turn On the Prefer Business Name by clicking on the Off button next to it, and it will automatically auto-save.

Back on the dashboard page, click refresh location in the blue ribbon toolbar at the top to bring up a pop-up window. Choose the location you’re working in and then select the blue button to update now. Now, the Last Viewed Clients will only show the client’s business name and not the client’s name.

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