What is Goal Tracker within JenesisNow?

Goal Tracker within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Goal Tracker

To create goals for yourself or others in your agency, go to the left-hand vertical toolbar, click Tools, then click Goals, bringing up the Goals page. On the Goals page, click the plus sign to bring up the Goal Info popup window. Fill in the Goal info page with the desired goal in the description and add a target date for completing the goal.

If there are subcategories, ‘Action Steps,’ for this goal, they can be added in the Action Steps section on the Goal Info window. Once all information for the goal is in, click the green Save & Close button in the bottom right of the popup window.

Once the goal is completed, the Completed Date should be filled in by the individual to whom the goal was intended, and then click the Save & Close button. Then a “Congratulations! You finished your goal!” message will appear on your screen, and the goal will now be highlighted in green.

On the Goals page, you can select the goal by a user or use the Search bar to find a particular goal.

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