JenesisClassic – Have you been searching for Acord Forms?

Jenesis Classic – Acord Library

Have you been searching for Acord Forms within the Jenesis software?

To access blank Acord Forms:
From the Jenesis Main Screen click Forms and Letters in the grey menu bar at the top of the screen and select Acord Library. A small pop-up window will appear, entitled Library of Acord Forms.

All of the forms listed (even those with the asterisk) are blank. Select the Open Blank Form button if you’d like to open the blank version of one of the forms listed. No pre-filled forms are available from this menu navigation option.

To access prefilled Acord Forms:
Select a Client from the Client List box on your Dashboard and navigate into one of their policies. Select Forms from the menu bar at the top, and Acord Library from the drop down menu. A small pop-up window will appear, entitled Library of Acord Forms.

From within the client’s policy, any of the forms in the list are available, prefilled and blank. Click on the form desired and select either the Open Blank Form or the Open Prefilled Form button, depending on availability and your desired task.

Notice in this example, I’m able to select a form with an asterisk and the “Open Prefilled Form” button becomes available.

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