What is Automation to Enhance Your Workflow when Emailing Media Files within Jenesisnow?

Added Automation to Enhance Your Workflow when Emailing Media Files within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Added Automation to Enhance Your Workflow when Emailing Media Files

We have now added the feature to send multiple media files to your client directly from the media screen. To accomplish this, go to the Client View screen, scroll down to the Media / Files card, and open the media files. On this screen, there is now the ability to select the files you would like to send with a check box to the left of the file. Once you have selected the files, click the green Email Text Selected Media button, and this will take you to the Email/Text Client or Company screen, with the files selected now showing on the right of the screen. Enter your subject line, message, and email for the recipient, then select Send Text or Send Email, depending on how you would like it to be sent.

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