How to Generate FS-1 Forms for NC Business Auto Policy within JenesisNow?

Generate FS-1 Forms for NC Business Auto Policy within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Generate FS-1 Forms for NC Business Auto Policy

We have made an update for our North Carolina agents; you now will have the ability to generate FS-1 forms on the Business Auto BAP Policy page. On the Business Auto BAP Policy page, go to the Vehicles’ card, select the vehicle you would like to add an FS-1 form and bring up the Vehicle pop-up window.

In the vehicle pop-up window, at the bottom of the first column, you will see a blue button labeled FS-1. Clicking on the FS-1 button will open a new pop-up window with FS-1 options; fill in the fields and select the options desired, and once completed, click on the blue View button in the bottom-left corner. This will open a new window with the FS-1 form, where you can print this form for this business auto policy.

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Category: Clients, Policies

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