How Do I Add A Client In JenesisNow?

Wondering how to most efficiently add new clients in JenesisNow?

By watching this video, you’ll quickly learn how to add new prospective clients or existing clients into JenesisNow in just 3 easy steps.

JenesisNow – How to Add a Client

There are two ways to add a prospect to the Client Quick Add pop-up window. The first way is to go to the top blue toolbar and click on the Client Quick Add icon, and the second way is to go to the left-side vertical toolbar, click Clients, and then click New Clients.

When adding a new client, the only mandatory field is the client’s first name, but you should fill in as much information as possible. To add them as Prospect, go to the lower right side of the window, click on the Status field, and select Prospect, but if you quoted them, select the Quoted status. After you have filled in the information, click the green Save button in the lower right corner, creating a profile for this new prospective client.

To add more clients to this profile, click the plus sign on the People card, fill out the information in the Person pop-up window, and click the green Save button in the lower right corner.

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Category: Clients

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