How do I set up and use WeSignature Integration in JenesisNow?

How to set up and use WeSignature Integration in JenesisNow.

JenesisNow- WeSignature Integration

After setting up your account with WeSignature, go to the Jenesis main page, go to the left sidebar menu, hover over the Agency tab, and click on All Locations. Then, on the location page, go to the section, Location Options, making sure the WeSignature Integration tab is turned ON, and then save the page.

Next, go to the left sidebar menu, hover over Users, then click All User, which takes you to your user profile. Click the Credential tab at the top, and click the blue plus sign to add a credential for WeSignature. In the popup window, you may notice Types WeSignature is now an option. After selecting the WeSignature as the type of credential, add your username, password, and other information needed, then click save. Now you can use WeSignature in JenesisNow.

There are a couple of ways to send documentation to have it electronically signed through JenesisNow.

One way is through a client’s profile. Once in the client’s profile, go to Media/Files and click the plus sign. In this new window, you will notice a blue rectangle under the Action column, and this blue rectangle is to use WeSignature. Clicking the WeSignature blue button will open a popup window to the WeSignature page.

On the WeSignature page, you can password-protect the document if you desire and then click Continue. Set up your document for signatures, dates, initials, or anything else you want the signers to do, add an email title and message on the right side of the screen, and click Send.

Another way to use WeSignaute is to go through the Policy. Once you click the policy desired, go to the blue ribbon menu at the top and click on the Accord Forms. In this section, notice any saved forms; there is an orange option button in the Action column. If you click the orange option button, there will be a WeSignature option, and if you click on WeSignature it will send you through the same process to fill in the document as going through the client profile.

We hope this helps you and your agency get all your documents signed and dated.


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