Is JenesisNow easy to use? See an overview.

Do you need a true web-based, affordable agency management system to help
run your agency, but think switching systems will be costly and painful?

JenesisNow is the easiest Insurance Agency Management System on the market!

We’re so happy to share the ever-improving, affordable insurance agency management system from!

JenesisNow – Agency Management System

Simple to learn and effortless to use. Our software is built with the user experience in mind … balancing proficiency, security, and speed. JenesisNow’s intuitive screens offer you unparalleled access without the screen clutter other systems suffer from.

The customizable dashboard can be organized to highlight the metrics important to you.

Searchable notes are an easy way to keep track of important details. And Receipts have never been easier. You can even email your receipt right from the screen.

JenesisNow also lets you text and email clients directly from the client profile. Take a step closer to a paperless office with powerful Media uploads. Media includes photos, documents, spreadsheets, videos… anything you may want to attach to a client or policy.

You can drag-n-drop, browse for a file, or simply scan a document in.

In addition to pre-built reports, our build-your-own reports come with a memorizing function and the ability to share custom reports across your agency.

JenesisNow is an intelligent tool to make your job easier and more efficient .. with other features like credit card processing, electronic signature, auto-filling Acord Forms, smart task list reminders, calendar and email integration, time clock, built-in Marketing tools, company downloads, and much much more.

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