How do I set up my agency in JenesisNow?

How to set up your agency in JenesisNow.

JenesisNow – Agency Set Up

Select My Agency from the left sidebar under Agency (AGY). Top left, click Agency Info. Just fill out the form. Next, under Address, provide your agency’s mailing and physical address. On the left, click States This Agency Does Business In. Here, select the states your agency does business in from the drop-down menu.

Under Ivan’s Download Accounts, go midway. Click (+) to create an account. It holds numerous accounts, therefore select the correct place for downloads if you have different locations.
Notice a window titled Ivan’s Downloads Account and enter the required fields. Turn off the Active Status.

Do not turn on your downloads if you’re having a conversion build. If you’re not having a conversion built, turn on to active

Scroll down to Agency-Wide Settings. This is where you instruct the system to require a source on the client or policy record.

After scrolling back to the top, you will find Media Files to your right. This is where you will save important documents for your agency. You can add files by scanning, browsing your computer, or drag/drop them into the window after selecting the + sign. You can add a description and then click the blue check to save once it has been entered into the system and is shown at the top.
The Note Card allows you to store important information.

Over to the left, you’ll notice the blue cards.

Edit Coverage: Options lets you select policy coverages. Choose your state and policy type from this card. View Coverages by clicking Policy Type. To add coverage, select the drop-down. Once you’ve added them to the system, you can leave them blank or type in and press Enter. To remove, select X, then select Save.

The sources that are currently available in the system can be viewed by selecting the Edit Sources option. You have the option of incorporating new resources or updating existing ones. You can hide a source by clicking on it and bringing up the Source Edit window. Choose the checkbox next to Enable and then click the Save button.

Edit Occupations: Make sure all your occupations are categorized that fit a variety.
Edit Policy Cancel Reasons: We’ve added all all the cancelation reasons, do not delete them. If you need to delete an item, Add Reason.

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