How to do I use Letter Templates within JenesisNow?

Letter Templates within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Letter Templates

We have added the ability to create a letter template within JenesisNow.
To create a letter template, go to the blue ribbon menu at the top, click on your user profile, and then click the Profile button. This brings up a new screen, click on the Preferences tab, then go to the Email/Text Templates section, and click on the drop-down menu to choose your template. The template will show directly below this section.

To use this letter template, go to the main dashboard, then locate the Policy Card, and click on the policy you are wanting to use the letter template. This brings up their policy information page; click the green Text/Email button in the top-right to bring up the text/email page. On this page, click on the Use Template drop-down menu and choose the template you want. It automatically brings in the template to your text/email. On this page, you not only can send an email or text, but you may also print this message.

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