How do I set-up rating with discovery in JenesisNow?

How do I set-up rating with discovery in JenesisNow?

JenesisNow – Rating with Discovery

Begin by going into a Client Profile. In Client View, under Info card, find the drop-down for Location, and check to see if the client’s location is already added with the Discovery Credentials. Any of the fields which are in Orange are required fields to be completed by the Rater.

At the bottom, find the Policy Card and click on the policy desired. Then select the J-Rate tab at the top in the policies dashboard, which will allow you to get a rate for a specific policy.

Make sure the check box next to Discovery is checked in the window that appears, then select Rate Policy. This will load rates from discovery in another window, J-Rate Requests, allowing you to see Payment Plan, Premium, Down Payment, and Payment Amount.

Once you select the Green Bridge Botton, it will take you to the quote submitted to Discovery.

To look at previous quotes, select the J-Rate tab, and then in the window select Previous Quotes.

If you didn’t fill out the Orange fields on Client View and you try to quote your client, you will receive an Error message. This is because these orange fields are required to be filled out to produce a quote.

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