How do I add Lienholders in JenesisNow?

How to add your Lienholders in JenesisNow.

JenesisNow –  Adding Lienholders

Begin by going over to the left sidebar and hovering over Companies, then select New Lienholder. Editing Lienholder will appear. Now under Lienholder Info, enter all the fields for your Lienholder. You can add up to three lines for the Lienholder name. Make sure the status is Active.

Next, you’ll enter both the mailing and physical address under Addresses. If the mailing address is the same as the physical address, then click on the down arrow. Go to the top right corner and click Save Lienholder. You now have access to Notes and Media/Files after you have saved them.

Repeat the steps above to enter all of your Lienholders into your system.

Once you’re inside your client’s Personal Auto Policy, you can access Vehicles. By selecting the policy, notice when the window appears, you have a place to enter your Lienholders.

Select the dropdown and select the correct client. If the information is not there, select the Plus Sign (+) to add a Lienholder. A window will appear to add your Lienholder; fill in the fields and select Save!

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