How do I add Custom Payment Types & Fees in JenesisNow?

How to add your custom fee automation in JenesisNow.

Custom Payment types and Fees – JenesisNow

To begin, select All Locations under Agency (AGY) on the left sidebar. The next step is to select the area to which you would like to add your payments. Scroll down until you reach a section labeled Location Options on the screen’s right side. You’ll notice automatic fess, turn it on and it will automatically save.

On the left, you will find fee types. Make sure the fees you use in your agency are listed. Click Add Fee Type to add a missing item. A window will appear where you can type in your fee type and then click Add.

Scroll up to Payment types and double check they’re listed. You can remove the amount from the amount box if an item does not require a fee. If you’re missing a payment type, select Add payment, a window will pop up, then type in your payment, then select Add. Next, select Save Locations at top right.

To test, select JN at the top of the left side bar. Next select a client under Last Viewed Clients, scroll down to Receipts. Then add a new receipt by selecting the (+) sign. A window will appear, select your payment type and it will automatically add your policy fee.

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