What is Linking Companies within JenesisNow?

Linking Companies within JenesisNow JenesisNow- Linking Companies This video will show how to add a website link to a company profile within JenesisNow. Go to the left-vertical toolbar, click on Companies, then All Companies if wanting to add to an existing company,...

What is Imperial Finance PFS Integration within JenesisNow ?

Imperial Finance PFS Integration within JenesisNow JenesisNow- Imperial Finance PFS Integration This video will show how to integrate Imperial Premium Finance with JenesisNow. The Imperial Premium Finance website is at ipfs.com, where an account must be set up. Once...

How do I get Google Reviews?

The first step is to promote, promote, promote!  If you don’t remind people they won’t do it unless they have a bad experience.  So as a part of your branding efforts , you as a business owner need to do everything you can to encourage your clients to...

Why do I need Google Reviews?

There are alot of reasons that you should work towards getting Google Reviews Google can be a social tool to help you promote your Business. It also contributes to SEO if you have a Website, and ultimately your page ranking. Google is the first landing spot if anyone...