Leveraging Online Advertising Channels for Insurance Agency Promotion by pexels-fauxels-3184292

Just because “everyone needs insurance” doesn’t mean you should sit back and wait for customers to come to you. While you’re waiting, your competitors have social media, TV, and radio campaigns running on different advertising channels, which means their business grows and yours doesn’t.

If you’re unsure how to get going on digital and advertising platforms, keep reading to discover how to leverage them to promote your insurance agency.

Why Go Online?

You can’t reach a ready-and-waiting online audience if you don’t have a social media presence.

People spend more time on electronic devices now than ever before. They use smartphones, laptops, and tablets to search for and buy the products and services they need. If yours isn’t somewhere they can find it, they can’t buy it.

Tapping into online channels will provide your agents with a vast pool of prospects, expand your brand visibility and boost sales.

The Marvel That is Social Media

Social media prioritizes conversation, which is why you should talk to your customers on different platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to name a few, offer excellent opportunities to connect with potential customers on a personal level. Your agents can gauge the interest level of an audience on social media and build an entire sales strategy around it.

However, before they can do that, you must ensure that you create engaging profiles on more than one social media platform. Don’t bombard your followers with products, but alternate your sales offers with insurance tips, fun facts, success stories, and testimonials. Even if you sell funeral policies, your profile doesn’t have to be serious all the time. You can inject a healthy dose of humanity and humor into your content to attract attention and make your audience listen.

The power of social media advertising lies in its targeting options. You can refine your ideal audience based on online behavior, interests, and demographics. This also means you can run targeted ad campaigns that reach those most interested in your products, resulting in leads and conversion.

The Importance of Quality Content

Any content, including news, infographics, images, and videos must be high-quality and informative. Shareable content is a welcome bonus and should underpin your entire advertising strategy.

Fortunately, many insurance agency websites make it easy to create a blog. You can start by publishing a few insurance-related posts a week. Create articles that tackle common insurance questions and myths. Share these on your social media platform to raise brand awareness and drive organic traffic to your site.

No matter where you meet potential customers, on your website or social media, they want value before commitment. By providing them with insightful content, you give them the information they need to decide if they want to buy from you.

The Power of SEO

SEO is crucial to online insurance advertising. People typically search for the type of insurance product they want by entering the name or a phrase related to it into Google. In an ideal world, you want your agency website to pop up at the top of the search results every time.

You can achieve a good ranking on Google by optimizing your website and social media content. Make sure your blogs, articles, videos, and images have keywords, headers, and meta tags to improve your online visibility.

Don’t forget to design your website to be mobile-friendly first, as most people conduct searches from their phones. The last thing you want is for your agency to come up on the first page of Google, but the website loads too slowly, or people can’t navigate the mobile version of the site.

Make Magic with PPC

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to bid on relevant keywords to ensure your online advertisements appear at the top of search engine results. These ads come with the words “sponsored,” and you only pay for this feature when someone clicks on your ad.

If you choose to go the PPC way to promote your agency, you must ensure that you have well-crafted ad copy and strategic keywords to get your campaign off to the best start.

Go Old-School With Emails

If social media isn’t your strong suit, and you don’t believe that PPC will help promote your agency, you could go old-school with email marketing.

Email communication remains an effective way to reach an audience directly. Build a strong email list by providing good content, exclusive offers, and free resources. Segment your list based on customers’ needs and preferences instead of sending a bulk email to everyone.

Use Analytics

Once you’re well on your way with your advertising campaigns using different advertising channels, you should use analytics tools to track each campaign’s performance. Monitor click-through rates, conversions, and the cost of customer acquisitions. By analyzing this valuable data, you can identify what works best to fine-tune your campaigns.

Enjoy Your Newly Established Online Presence

Now that you’ve unlocked the secrets of online advertising, it’s time to create effective campaigns. Spread the word about your agency on social media and over email, and watch your brand soar.