Things You Can Do to Make Your Insurance Agencys Website Stand Out by pexels-kaboompics-com

Your insurance agency’s website is the first source of impression that many people will have of your insurance agency, so you want to make it stand out. At the same time, you don’t want it to be overwhelming. Follow these tips to make your website stand out.

Follow the Basics

Remember that while you want your insurance agency’s website to stand out, you don’t want it to stand out for the wrong reasons. So, make it a point to follow the basics – think of these as the bare minimum.

Use Responsive Design

Many of your clients will look at your website on their smartphones or tablets, and the easiest way to accommodate a range of devices is via responsive website design. This type of design will automatically adjust to the type of device and the size of the screen of the visitor.

Make Navigation a Breeze

Your insurance agency’s website must be easy to navigate. If visitors can’t find what they want right away, they will look for another insurance agency to work with. People don’t have the patience or desire to look all over your website to find details.

Include Your Contact Information

It should be incredibly easy for potential clients to contact you after visiting your website. Visitors want to be able to access your contact information right away. This is best done by having clear CTAs throughout your website, making it easy for your visitors to contact you regardless of which page they’re on.

Include the Crucial Pages

We mentioned including a “Contact Us” page, but you will want more than this and a homepage for a successful website. Ideally, your insurance agency will include at least the following:

  • Homepage: This is an introduction to your agency and, for many people, may serve as their first impression.
  • Product pages: These tell your potential clients about the types of insurance you provide.
  • Service pages: These pages should help your clients contact you regarding a claim, certificate requests, etc.
  • Contact page: As mentioned, this is crucial and provides all your contact information. Include your phone number, email address, physical address, and anything else that is relevant. Don’t forget social media profile links.
  • About page: This introduces your team and can help visitors begin to build a connection with them.

You should also consider adding pages for your blog and for reviews or testimonials.

Include Good Content

Every insurance agency should strive to include good content on their website, but what does this mean? Good content is relevant and helpful. It should be engaging and answer the questions that clients and potential clients have.

For an insurance agency, this means you should clearly list the types of insurance you offer, why they’re important, what exactly they cover, and how they can benefit your visitors. You should also give brief introductions to your insurance agents and company as a whole, as this will inspire confidence in your agency.

Then, take it a step further and create additional content in a blog or knowledge base. Use this to address common questions that your clients have or cover potentially confusing insurance topics. With the right blog content, you will notice a boost in website traffic, which can lead to more new clients. As a bonus, blogs are also an excellent way to position your insurance agency as an authority in the industry.

Be Strategic With Your CTAs

Any strong website design will include multiple calls to action, but you can’t just include them wherever you want. If you put too many CTAs on your website, it will be overwhelming, feel pushy, and deliver the opposite effect. Instead, limit the CTAs to situations where they make sense.

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

While you will need to create and maintain a website for your insurance agency, you don’t have to build everything from scratch. Instead, you can get creative with some aspects of your website. One example of this is taking advantage of the Jenesis client portal instead of paying to build your own client portal. This client portal gives your clients all the information they need about their policies (and your contact information) at a glance. It also saves you the hassle of trying to build an affordable, intuitive client portal that has everything your clients need.


With the above advice, your insurance agency website should be ready to attract potential clients and keep your current clients happy. If you need help getting the ball rolling, we can help!