a collection of books that an insurance agent should read

Every insurance agent should strive to be the best in their field. This means working hard at continuing your education. You can do this with little to no financial investment by going to your local library. Reading good material can be a powerful tool in growing your career. Consider the following important books to read while on this journey.

The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy’s material has helped salespeople across many fields. He has had a powerful impact on the self-improvement genre in general, but this is his best piece. Insurance is sales, and the best salespeople understand the psychology behind a great sale. What is the person thinking as you’re talking to them? How will this help make a sale? Mr. Tracy can help you understand your client from the start before the conversation begins up through the close.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is considered one of the go-to books when it comes to the self-improvement genre. Nearly everyone on the path to furthering their career references reading this book. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to talk to many of the most successful people around the globe, asking their secrets. Because of this discourse, Hill wrote “The Law of Success in 15 Lessons.” That is a fantastic book, but his magnum opus is “Think and Grow Rich.”

The Wedge: How to Stop Selling and Start Winning by Randy Schwantz

While it is on the higher end of the price list, this book is full of powerful advice. You will close more sales, and your clients will be happier for it. It can be a fantastic tool in helping you learn to stand out from your competitors.

Go For No! Yes Is The Destination, No Is How You Get There by Richard Fenton

This is one of the most powerful books on the list. It has been referenced many times in helping salespeople get through rejection and move on to a better mindset. Instead of designing your goal around the yes, it is possible to have a lot of no answers before reaching a yes.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is a classic self-improvement book by Dale Carnegie that is commonly recommended across professions, including in the insurance industry. As the name implies, it teaches you the skills you need to help you influence people, something which is crucial when convincing them to purchase insurance from you. The ability to win friends is also crucial for insurance agents, as you want people to feel as if you have their best interests at heart. To give an example of the popularity of this book, consider that it has sold over 30 million copies.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

This is considered one of the most powerful books of the generation. It has motivated a new approach in many areas of the business world. It is highly recommended for those looking to maximize their productivity when they have little time. The ideas can help create less stress, decluttered office space, and a free mind.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

This book by the expert in the field of persuasion and influencing people is a classic among the self-improvement genre. The principles detailed help people understand the behavior of people. It will inspire introspection as well as motivate you when working with your clients. It is recommended to revisit this book frequently.

Networking Is Not Working: Stop Collecting Business Cards and Start Making Meaningful Connections by Derek Coburn

One of the shortest books on this list at just 132 pages, it will teach you all the different ways of building relationships. Learn how many networking techniques are outdated and which ones will help you the most. Reading the book will also help you become the ultimate influencer and connector in your community.

Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses by Joe Pulizzi

This book gives you a six-step process of utilizing content. This title will give you the how and why you should use content marketing. While not specific to the insurance industry, it will give you a lot to utilize with a new branch of marketing.

The Perfect Insurance Agency by Eddie Price

This book highlights simple changes that any insurance agency can make that will set them up for long-term success. This book provides a range of industry insight and advice that agencies can implement, straight from the founder of Jenesis. Interested in a free copy? Schedule a demo of our insurance agency management system and we’ll send you a copy as our way of saying thanks!

Adding these books to your reading list will help you with more than just your insurance sales. It can help motivate you in other areas of your life. They are generally written to be read in small bits, as the readers are often busy people. In fact, many can be found in audio versions making it possible to listen to them while performing other tasks.

As the saying goes – Leaders Are Readers!