If my J-Links is not working, how can I fix it?

If you get weird issues like this when J-Linking to where the page flashes or does nothing when u “login” its almost always Internet Explorer. In this situation the J-Link was fine and everything about Jenesis was fine but I had to reset Internet Explorer.

How to fix IE for any J-Link, SEP, Sprucebooks, etc (when it’s not the j-link or Jenesis related)

You go to the gear/cog icon in the top right corner of internet explorer and click it, then click internet options. When the new window comes up you go to the last tab, the Advanced Tab, click Reset, put a check mark in “Delete Personal Settings” and then click reset again. After it finishes and tells you that you have to restart just close the internet explorer down and J-Link again after a few seconds. You will then be prompted to setup IE. Select “Do not use recommended settings” and then any of the yellow alerts that come up on the bottom of internet explorer select “Do not remind me, do not save the password, do not use autocomplete, etc”. Now you need to disable protected mode for other J-Links that need it. Click the gear/cog icon again, click

internet options again, this time go to the security tab and take the check mark out of “Enable Protected Mode” for both Internet and the Local Internet (for SEP). Close internet explorer, j-link again to re-open it and set all the alerts to never show again. At this point, I like to sign out of Hosted completely to save the settings. If the agent were to crash it may not save what you did. So sign out of hosted, wait a minute, sign back into your hosted account, sign back into Jenesis and test the J-Link one more time to make sure no more alerts come up.

This should fix the issue with any bridging that you are stuck on.

This article was written by Derek Honeycutt. Derek is a JenesisNow developer at Jenesis Software and has experience in both software development and Jenesis user support. To contact Derek, send him an email at derek@jenesissoftware.com.

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