a person at a computer reading about the latest jenesis classic product updates

  • We have added the ability to add multiple quotes at the same time in quote control as well as bridge to multiple company sites at the same time.
  • Added spellchecker for Jenesis email interface: https://youtu.be/RuJX0BdZPYw
  • Made a few changes to improve the Acord 35, Cancellation Request.
  • We have sorted the Linked Customers alphabetically by last name on the Client Main Screen’s Linked Customers tab.
  • Added a Fee Report by Client Location to the Remittance Report section. This report shows all fees based on the location on the Client Main Screen and not the receipt location.
  • Added Actual Cash Value (ACV) as an option for Replacement Cost Options for homeowners policies and added Flood deductible option for policies that include flood.
  • Jenesis will now automatically make a note in the customer profile or policy when the text message campaign runs.
  • Added gender to the Client Main Screen for insured and second insured.
  • When processing downloads where client has a suffix, Jenesis will now search for the name properly when you are processing the downloads.
  • After selecting Insured Request for cancel reason, Jenesis will prompt the user as follows and automatically mark the policy to not send further emails or texts messages if the user selects Yes. Would you like to stop cancellation emails/texts from going to this customer about this policy?
  • When filtering the Quote Control list on the Jenesis Main Screen, it will now adjust the Total premium to only show for that user.
  • Added the Acord 137 for CA to the Acord Library.
  • Jenesis will now automatically prompt the user to clock out if they attempt to exit the software with the Exit button on the dashboard and have not yet clocked out for the day.