Wouldn’t you love to send a text or an email automatically from within your agency software?

JenesisNow has this feature, plus the ability to create templates to promote consistent client communication.


Emailing and Texting with Templates

From the JenesisNow Main screen, you can select the little airplane icon to open a pop-up prompt to send a text. Choose the client name from the Person drop-down menu and create your message in the box below. When complete, click the green Send button.

The text feature is also accessible from inside the Client View screen. To navigate here, select the client’s name from the main screen, and the Client View will show. The green button showing “Text / Email” is located at the top of the category box labeled Info.

Selecting that green button will prompt the Email or Text Client window to pop up. In this location, you have the option to use a template (more about this below), create a subject, your message, choose an attachment if needed, and then choose to send it as a text or an email. Notice the client’s contact in format is pre-filled in this window. You’ll select the button next to the email or phone number to whom you wish to send your message.

To create a template, click on your user email in the blue ribbon at the top of your webpage and select the Profile button. Inside your user profile, click on the tab labeled “Prefs,” which is short for preferences.

In the preferences tab, you can edit your email and text signature. In the category box labeled Email/ Text Templates, you can begin creating a template immediately by just giving it a name.

The template created in this video is called Cancellation Request, but you should create a Template Name applicable to what you plan on sending your client.

Write your primary message in the text area below the template name without any greeting or closing remarks, and select the green Save Template button below the message.


Feel free to contact us with any questions …
• Email support@jenesissoftware.com
• Chat with us at www.JenesisSoftware.com
• Call 828-245-1171 Option 1

Please subscribe for more quick tutorials at https://www.youtube.com/user/agencyma… and send any additional questions to info@jenesissoftware.com

Ready for More? Check out the Video on Converting a Quote to a Policy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rlmp


Jenesis Software, an insurance agency management system, helps Insurance Agents to efficiently manage personal and commercial clients, by keeping pertinent agency and coverage information in an organized, easy to edit and use software.

For more valuable information on building your insurance agency, get your copy of “The Perfect Insurance Agency” – Amazon Bestseller by Eddie Price. Learn how to grow your agency faster, improve team training, and implement simple changes to ensure success!



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