What options do I have when taking a credit card payment in Jenesis?

Jenesis provides you a variety of insurance software solutions when it comes to taking credit card payments.

  1.  Credit Card to Company – Simply select this as a payment type when doing a receipt, J-link to your company and take your payment on the company website.
  2.  Simply Easier Payments –  This allows you to take credit card payments in your agency.  There is no fee for the agency.  The customer incurs a cost of $4.95
  3.  SpruceBooks – This allows you to take credit card payments in your agency.  There is no fee for the agency.  The customer incurs a cost of $4.95

To set up Simply Easier Payments or SpruceBooks

  1. Hit Ctrl-W on the keyboard or go to Tools/J-Links
  2. Enter the location
  3. Enter the name of the company from the dropdown list
  4. For SEP enter your username and password, For Sprucebooks enter your API and URL

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